Sony Camcorder Accessories NP QM71D User Manual

Ta b le o f re m a in in g b a t t e ry ca p a cit y  
LED indicator  
Remaining capacity  
(Colors are orange for E and  
green for remaining capacity)  
Re ch a rg e a b le Ba t t e ry Pa ck  
Ba t t e rie re ch a rg e a b le  
: Lit, : Flashing, : Not lit)  
less than 25%  
less than about 5-10 minutes  
* Charging is recommended since there is no  
remaining battery capacity.  
1. LEDs will not light when charging with an AC adaptor/ charger (AC-  
VQ850/ SQ950 or the like) with an LCD even if C is pushed during  
charging. Check the time remaining on the AC adaptor/ chargers LCD.  
2. LEDs will not light when installing and using (including charging) the  
battery in your camcorder that is “InfoLITHIUM”-capable even if C is  
pushed during charging. Check the time remaining on your camcorders  
Sony Corporation 2003 Printed in Japan  
Printed on 100% recycled paper using  
VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free  
vegetable oil based ink.  
3. The level remaining as displayed by your camcorder and that in the LED  
indicator may not match. Use this as a guideline.  
Le ve l re m a in in g  
• When charging in a battery charger (BC-VM50 or the like), pushing C will  
cause the LED to light.  
• When a camcorder light (HVL-20DM, HVL-IRM or the like) is in use,  
pushing C will cause the LED to light.  
En g lish  
Ho w t o u se  
Ch a rg in g  
• Before use, be sure to charge the battery with the specified charger. During  
charging, LEDs will light one by one in order via “Check Charging.”  
Go o d u se o f t h e b a t t e ry  
• In cold places, the time that the battery can be used will decrease when the  
ambient temperature is low and battery performance drops. We  
recommend the following for longer worry-free use:  
– Put the battery in a pocket and warm it; install it in the device that will be  
used immediately before shooting.  
• Actively turn off the power switch during shooting or replay. Battery  
power is consumed even when in shooting standby or paused replay.  
Have spare battery handy for two or three times the expected recording  
time, and make trial recording before taking the actual recording.  
• LEDs are lit until actual charging is complete (more than 90%) (They cannot  
be put out partway through charging). The LEDs are not lit from actual  
charging complete-fully charged. The battery will be fully charged about 1  
hour after actual charging is complete.  
Ba t t e ry st o ra g e  
• When charging a battery with it installed in your camcorder with a charging  
lamp, the camcorders charging lamp will not be lit (fully charged) after  
about 1 hour once the battery LED goes out (actual charging).  
* Depending on the camcorder, there are models that go out at the same  
time as the battery when actual charging is complete. For details, please  
see the operating instruction for the camcorder you are using.  
• We recommend charging the battery fully in an ambient temperature of  
between 10-30°C. Effective charging cannot be performed outside this  
temperature range.  
Even when the battery will not be used for a long period of time, fully charge  
the battery about once a year to maintain battery functions and use it up in  
the device that will be used; then, store it in a cool place with a low level of  
Ba t t e ry life  
• The battery life is limited. Battery capacity drops little by little as you use it  
more and more, and as battery has reached the end of its life. Please buy a  
new battery.  
• The battery life varies according to how it is stored and operating conditions  
and environment for each battery.  
When charging the battery after it has not been used for a long period of time,  
the LEDs may not light immediately after the start of charging or during  
charging; this is not a malfunction.  
Wa rra n t y fo r Im a g e s/Re co rd e d Co n t e n t s  
Compensation for images/ recorded contents will not be provided in the  
event images cannot be taped, recorded, or replayed due to a malfunction  
with the battery or the like.  
To ch e ck t h e re m a in in g b a t t e ry ca p a cit y  
• Indicates the remaining capacity of the battery via 4 LEDs.  
• When the Check Capacity button (PUSH) C is pushed, LED D lights for  
about 3 seconds.  

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