Sony Cassette Player FX151 User Manual

Th is w a rra n t y is va lid o n ly in t h e Un it e d St a t e s.  
Ge t t in g St a rt e d  
Pla yin g Ca sse t t e s  
List e n in g t o t h e Ra d io  
Pre ca u t io n s  
Usin g w it h Ba t t e rie s  
Insert two AA (R6) batteries in correct polarity.  
No t e s o n He a d p h o n e s  
Co n ce rn in g ro a d sa fe t y  
Op e ra t in g t h e Ca sse t t e Pla ye r  
Im p ro vin g Ra d io Re ce p t io n  
Im p ro vin g FM re ce p t io n  
Extend the headphones cord or adjust the DX/ LOCAL  
To wind the tape  
To change sides*  
Press 0or ).  
Set the DIR switch.  
Do not use headphones while driving, cycling, or operating any  
motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in  
many areas. It can also be potentially dangerous to play your  
headsets at high volume while walking, especially at pedestrian  
crossings. You should exercise extreme caution or discontinue  
use in potentially hazardous situations.  
Ra d io Ca sse t t e Pla ye r  
To play both sides once* Set MODE to Å.  
To play both sides  
Set MODE to a.  
Op e ra t in g In st ru ct io n s  
NORM CrO2/  
AA (R6) x 2  
Mo d e d e m p lo i (a u d o s)  
WALKMAN is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.  
WALKMAN est une marque de fabrique de Sony Corpotation.  
To adjust the volume  
To stop  
Turn the VOLUME control.  
DC IN 3V  
Pre ve n t in g h e a rin g d a m a g e  
Press pSTOP.  
Do not use headphones at high volume. Hearing experts advise  
against continuous, loud and extended play. If you experience a  
ringing in your ears, reduce volume or discontinue use.  
No t e s  
• When you are not going to use your Walkman for a long time,  
remove the batteries to prevent damage from battery leakage  
and corrosion.  
• When the sound becomes unstable or cannot be heard, replace  
the old batteries with new ones.  
* except for FX157/ FX153/ FX151  
Sony Corporation © 1996  
Printed in Malaysia  
Im p ro vin g AM re ce p t io n  
Rotate the Walkman.  
Ca rin g fo r o t h e rs  
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This will allow you to hear  
outside sounds and to be considerate to the people around you.  
No t e s o n p la yin g ca sse t t e s  
• Do not use cassettes longer than 90 minutes except for long  
continuous playback.  
• If the tape is playing but no sound comes out, the batteries  
may be weak. Replace all dry batteries with new ones or  
recharge all rechargeable batteries.  
• If your Walkman has not been used for a long time, run the  
Walkman for a few minutes before inserting a cassette.  
• Do not wind the headphones cord around the Walkman.  
The buttons may be kept pressed, causing unnecessary battery  
Ta kin g Ca re o f Yo u r Wa lkm a n  
• Do not expose the Walkman to extreme temperatures, direct  
sunlight, moisture, sand, dust or mechanical shock. Never  
leave the Walkman in a car parked in the sun.  
• Prolonged use may contaminate the tape head. If sound drop-  
out or excessive noise occurs, clean the head and tape path  
with alcohol.  
0 )  
Usin g Ext e rn a l Po w e r So u rce s  
You can connect the following external power sources  
through the DC IN 3 V jack located on the bottom. (When  
you plug a cord into the DC IN 3 V jack, the internal  
batteries are automatically bypassed.)  
House current using an AC-E30HG AC power adaptor  
• 12 V car battery using a DCC-E130L/ E230 car battery  
The model number is located at the rear and the  
serial number is located inside the cassette holder.  
Record the these numbers in the spaces provided below.  
Refer to them whenever you call upon your Sony  
dealer regarding this product.  
• Do not open the cassette holder while the tape is running.  
Cassette holder  
No t e  
Usin g MEGA BASS (FX355/FX353/FX153)  
Set the MEGA BASS switch to ON to produce deep and  
powerful sound. Turn the HIGH and LOW controls to  
get the desired tone (FX355).  
Model No.  
Serial No.  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
Ra d io Fre q u e n cy  
Use only the recommended  
AC-E30HG AC power adaptor (not  
supplied). Do not use any other  
AC power adaptor.  
Cleaning the head and tape path  
FM: 87.6 – 108 MHz  
AM: 530 – 1,710 kHz  
Po w e r Re q u ire m e n t s  
3 V DC Batteries AA (R6) x 2  
External DC 3 V power sources  
Ba t t e ry Life  
• Clean the headphones plug periodically for optimum sound.  
• Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner to clean the case.  
Polarity of the plug  
Fe a t u rin g  
AVLS (Au t o m a t ic Vo lu m e Lim it e r  
Ab o u t t h e Ba t t e ry Co m p a rt m e n t Lid  
If the battery compartment lid is detached by an accidental drop,  
excessive force, etc., attach it as illustrated in the numbered  
Usin g Wit h a Re ch a rg e a b le Ba t t e ry  
Before using, charge the rechargeable battery with the  
supplied charger.  
Se t t h e FM/AM/TAPE  
(RADIO OFF) se le ct o r  
t o AM o r FM.  
In se rt a ca sse t t e .  
(approximate hours when using the batteries specified below)  
Syst e m )  
The AVLS switch allows you to limit the maximum volume of  
your Walkman personal stereo without degrading the sound  
• When the AVLS switch is set to LIMIT (around 85 dB), the  
volume will be kept at a moderate level without the  
degradation of the sound quality, even if you attempt to turn  
the volume up higher.  
• When the AVLS switch is set to LIMIT, the playback sound  
may be distorted or unstable according to the music (especially  
the bass boosted part). If this happens, turn down the volume.  
• When the AVLS switch is set to NORM, you will be able to  
enjoy the full volume capability of your Walkman personal  
16 hours  
4.5 hours  
3.5 hours  
Sony Alkaline LR6 (SG)  
Sony R6P (SR)  
48 hours  
16 hours  
12 hours  
Charging time is about 4 hours.  
After 4 hours, remove the batteries.  
Rechargeable battery  
NC-AA (WM) (Full cahrge)  
Tu n e in t h e d e sire d st a t io n .  
Dim e n sio n s  
Se t t h e FM/AM/TAPE  
(RADIO OFF) se le ct o r t o  
89.5 x 118.8 x 34.1 mm (3 58 x 4 34 x 1 38 in.)  
(w/ h/ d) incl. projecting parts  
Open the battery  
compartment lid  
and insert the  
rechargeable battery  
after charging.  
Usin g t h e Be lt Clip  
With the supplied belt clip, you can wear your Walkman  
on a belt for convenient use.  
Ma ss FX355: 215 g (7.6 oz) incl. batteries  
FX353: 205 g (7.3 oz) incl. batteries  
FX157/ FX153/ FX151: 200 g (7.1 oz) incl. batteries  
Su p p lie d Acce sso rie s  
Wh e n u sin g MEGA BASS  
If the AVLS switch is set to LIMIT, the MEGA BASS effect is  
• Stereo headphones (1)  
• Belt clip (1)  
• Rechargeable battery (2) (FX157)  
• Battery charger (1) (FX157)  
To adjust the volume Turn the VOLUME control.  
Re m o vin g t h e b e lt clip  
At t a ch in g t h e b e lt clip  
To tune off  
Set the FM/ AM/ TAPE selector  
Se le ct NORM o r CrO2  
METAL m o d e t o m a t ch  
t h e t a p e t yp e .  
No t e s  
Op t io n a l Acce sso rie s  
Usin g DOLBY NR (FX355)  
Set the DOLBY NR switch to ON to play Dolby NR  
processed tapes.  
CrO2 /  
• The name plate indicating operating voltage, power consump-  
tion, etc. is located on the bottom exterior of the charger.  
• The battery may become warm during charging.  
• Use only the rechargeable battery NC-AA (WM) with the  
supplied battery charger.  
• If the rechargeable battery is new or it has not been used for a  
long time, it may not be charged completely. (The playing time  
is shorter.)  
No t e  
• AC power adaptor AC-E30HG  
• Car battery cord DCC-E130L, DCC-E230  
If you have inserted a cassette with a metallic shell or label and  
radio reception interference occurs, remove the cassette.  
Your dealer may not handle some of the above listed accessories.  
Please ask the dealer for detailed information.  
Pre ss 9PLAY.  
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.  
• The rechargeable batteries can be charged about 300 times.  
• Be sure not to short-circuit the battery. When you carry it with  
you, never carry it with other metallic objects such as keys in  
your pocket.  
Dolby noise reduction manufactured under license from Dolby  
Laboratories Licensing Corporation.  
“DOLBY” and the double-D symbol a are trademarks of Dolby  
Laboratories Licensing Corporation.  

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