Sony Cassette Player TC TX313 User Manual

St e re o Ca sse t t e  
De ck  
Operating Instructions  
©1997 by Sony Corporation  
Th e TC-TX313 t a p e d e ck is  
d e sig n e d o n ly fo r t h e  
DHC-MD313 co m p o n e n t  
syst e m  
Ta b le o f Co n t e n t s  
Ge t t in g St a rt e d  
Here are some of the features you can use  
with this tape deck when connected with the  
DHC-MD313 Mini Hi-Fi component system  
(see page 4).  
Hooking up the system ......................... 4  
Op e ra t io n s  
Au t o Po w e r On /Off  
The tape deck power is tied with the DHC-  
MD313 component system (see page 6).  
Playing a tape .......................................... 6  
Recording a CD ...................................... 8  
Recording manually ............................... 9  
CD Syn ch ro Re co rd in g  
You can easily record a CD onto a tape (see  
page 8).  
Ad d it io n a l In fo rm a t io n  
Precautions ............................................ 10  
Troubleshooting ................................... 11  
Specifications ......................... Back cover  
On e To u ch Pla y  
Pressing · or ª on the tape deck when the  
tape deck is off automatically turns on the  
tape deck and the DHC-MD313, and starts  
playing a tape if a cassette is inserted (see  
page 7).  
Au t o m a t ic So u rce Se le ct io n  
You can switch from another source to the  
tape deck and start playing a tape just by  
pressing · or ª on the tape deck (see page  
Tim e r  
You can wake up to music or record a radio  
programme at a preset time. For details, refer  
to “Waking up to music” and “Timer  
recording radio programmes” in the DHC-  
MD313 component system Instruction  
Re m o t e Co n t ro l  
You can operate the tape deck using the  
remote supplied with the DHC-MD313.  
Ho o kin g u p t h e syst e m  
Complete steps 1 through 4 to hook up your system using the supplied cords.  
TC-TX313 rear panel  
Mains lead  
Audio connecting  
cords (supplied)  
DHC-MD313 rear panel  
No t e  
1 Firmly connect the AU BUS  
The AU BUS connecting cord is used for exchanging  
signals between the tape deck and the DHC-MD313.  
If you do not connect the cord firmly, the tape deck  
and DHC-MD313 may not operate correctly.  
connecting cord to the AU BUS jack  
on the DHC-MD313.  
rear panel  
2 Connect A to A, and B to B  
using the audio connecting cords.  
position of your local power line  
Insert the plugs into jacks of the  
same colour.  
voltage (Except for European  
countries model).  
The two audio connecting cords are the  
same, so you can connect A or B using  
either cord.  
TC-TX313 rear panel  
4 Connect the Mains lead to a mains  
after you complete all the  
If the plug on this tape deck does not fit  
your mains, detach the supplied adapter  
from the plug (Except for European  
DHC-MD313 rear panel  
If t h e re is n o so u n d o r t h e t a p e  
d o e s n o t re co rd a t first o p e ra t io n  
: sound flow  
Make sure the plugs are inserted into the  
jacks firmly.  
* A  
The sound signals of the CD, MD and  
TUNER flow through the DHC-  
MD313 to the tape deck when you  
record to tape.  
If the plugs are not inserted into the A  
jacks firmly, you may not be able to record  
the sound of the CD, MD and TUNER onto  
a tape.  
** B  
If the plugs are not inserted into the B  
jacks firmly, you may not be able to listen  
to the sound of the tape deck.  
The sound signal of the tape deck  
flows to the DHC-MD313 when you  
play a tape.  
The plugs of the audio connecting cords may  
be tight. Insert the plugs at the point shown  
in “How to insert the plugs” in step 2.  
Ho w t o in se rt t h e p lu g s  
Insert the plugs firmly into the jacks.  
Not firmly inserted  
Insert to here.  
Insert a recorded tape.  
Pla yin g a t a p e  
You can use any type of tape, TYPE I  
(normal), TYPE II (CrO2) or TYPE IV (metal),  
since the tape deck automatically detects the  
tape type (ATS1)).  
With the side you want  
to play facing up  
1) ATS: Automatic Tape Selection.  
Tape deck  
Set DIRECTION to A to play one  
side. Set it to a3) to play both  
The remote  
supplied with  
the DHC-MD313  
Press ·.  
Press ª to play the bottom side.  
FUNCTION switches to “TAPE”  
automatically, then the tape starts  
The tape deck stops automatically after repeating  
the sequence five times.  
To p la y a t a p e u sin g t h e DHC-  
MD313 co m p o n e n t syst e m  
Do the following operation in step 4;  
1 Press FUNCTION until “TAPE” appears in  
the display.  
2 Press TAPE· on the remote.  
To play the bottom side, press TAPEª on  
the remote.  
This tape deck is equipped with the Dolby B-type  
noise reduction system.  
Press POWER on the DHC-MD313  
to turn on the DHC-MD313  
component system.  
The tape deck turns on automatically.  
Tip s  
Ot h e r o p e ra t io n s  
• When you press POWER on the tape deck, only  
the tape deck turns on. Press POWER on the  
DHC-MD313 to turn on the DHC-MD313  
component system.  
• The cassette indicator lights up in red when a  
cassette is inserted and goes off when no cassette  
is inserted.  
• Pressing · or ª when the tape deck is off  
automatically turns on the tape deck and starts  
playing a tape if there is a cassette inserted (One  
Touch Play).  
• Inserting the tape when the power is off  
automatically turns on the tape deck only. Press  
POWER on the DHC-MD313 to turn on the DHC-  
MD313 component system.  
• You can switch from another source to the tape  
deck just by pressing · or ª (Automatic  
Source Selection).  
• To start playing automatically from the beginning  
of the tape after fast winding (Auto Play), press  
· while holding down º (for the top side) or  
press ª while holding down (for the bottom  
Stop playing  
π (or TAPEp*).  
(or TAPEP*).  
Press again to resume playing.  
π, then (or TAPE)*) for  
the top side.  
π, then º (or TAPE0*) for  
the bottom side.  
π, then º (or TAPE0*) for  
the top side.  
π, then (or TAPE)*) for  
the bottom side.  
Find the  
track (AMS**) º (or TAPE0*) for the  
(or TAPE)*) for the top  
bottom side.  
Find the  
preceding track side.  
º (or TAPE0*) for the top  
(or TAPE)*) for the  
bottom side.  
• When you want to reduce the hiss noise in low-  
level high-frequency signals, set DOLBY NR to  
Remove the  
§ on the tape deck.  
Adjust the  
VOLUME +/ – on the remote  
(or turn VOLUME on the DHC-  
• Using the timer function on the DHC-MD313, you  
can wake up to music at a preset time. For details,  
refer to “Wake up to music” in the DHC-MD313  
component system Instruction Manual. When you  
set the Wake-up timer, DOLBY NR must be set on  
the tape deck.  
* Use the remote supplied with the DHC-MD313.  
**The Automatic Music Sensor (AMS) feature  
detects a blank space of more than four seconds  
between tracks to locate tracks quickly.  
No t e  
The AMS feature may not work in the following  
— the blank space between tracks is four seconds  
or less.  
— the sound source recorded on the right  
channel is different from that on the left  
channel as with a KARAOKE tape.  
— low volume or low sound continues for a long  
— the TV is too close to the tape deck.  
Place a CD on the disc tray of the  
Re co rd in g a CD  
— CD Syn ch ro Re co rd in g  
Set DIRECTION to A to record on  
one side. Set it to a to record on  
both sides.  
The CD SYNC button lets you record from a  
CD to a tape easily. You can use TYPE I  
(normal) or TYPE II (CrO2) tape, since the  
tape deck automatically detects the tape type.  
Press CD SYNC on the tape deck.  
The tape deck stands by for recording  
and the CD player stands by for  
playback. The indicators on the CD  
SYNC, ®REC, · (for the top side) and  
buttons light up.  
Tape deck  
If you want to record starting from the  
bottom side, press ª (for the bottom  
side) so the indicator on the ª button  
lights up.  
4 Cinadsisceatttoer 5  
ª π  
The remote  
supplied with  
the DHC-MD313  
Press on the tape deck.  
Recording starts.  
To st o p re co rd in g  
Press π on the tape deck or TAPEp on the  
Tip s  
• When you press POWER on the tape deck, only  
the tape deck turns on. Press POWER on the  
DHC-MD313 to turn on the DHC-MD313  
component system.  
• Inserting the tape when the power is off  
automatically turns on the tape deck only. Press  
POWER on the DHC-MD313 to turn on the DHC-  
MD313 component system before recording.  
• The cassette indicator lights up in red when a  
cassette is inserted and goes off when no cassette  
is inserted.  
• When you want to reduce the hiss noise in low-  
level high-frequency signals, set DOLBY NR to  
ON before step 5.  
* This tape deck is equipped with the Dolby B-type  
noise reduction system.  
Press POWER on the DHC-MD313  
to turn on the DHC-MD313  
component system.  
The tape deck turns on automatically.  
• If the tape reaches the end of the top side during  
both sides recording, the fadeout feature prevents  
the track from ending abruptly at the end of the  
tape (Fade Synchro). The track is recorded again  
from the beginning of the bottom side.  
• The fadeout feature also works when you record  
on one side only.  
Insert a blank tape.  
With the side you want to  
record on facing up  
No t e s  
• You cannot listen to other sources while recording.  
• When you record on both sides, be sure to start  
from the top side. If you start from the bottom  
side, recording stops at the end of the bottom side.  
Press FUNCTION on the DHC-  
MD313 until “CD,” “MD” or  
“TUNER” appears.  
Re co rd in g m a n u a lly  
With manual recording, you can record just  
the songs you like from a CD, or start  
recording from the middle of the tape. You  
can also record a radio programme or MD.  
Set DIRECTION to A to record on  
one side. Set it to a to record on  
both sides.  
Tape deck  
· 6  
Press ®REC on the tape deck.  
The tape deck stands by for recording.  
The indicators on the ®REC, · (for the  
top side) and buttons light up.  
If you want to record starting from the  
bottom side, press ª (for the bottom  
side) so the indicator on the ª button  
lights up.  
ª π  
The remote  
supplied with  
the DHC-MD313  
Press on the tape deck.  
Recording starts.  
You can also start recording by pressing  
the · or ª button that is lit.  
Start playing on the source  
Stop recording  
π (or TAPEp on the  
Pause recording  
(or TAPEP on the  
* This tape deck is equipped with the Dolby B-type  
noise reduction system.  
Tip s  
• The cassette indicator lights up in red when a  
cassette is inserted and goes off when no cassette  
is inserted.  
• When you want to reduce the hiss noise in low-  
level high-frequency signals, set DOLBY NR to  
ON before step 5 .  
Press POWER on the DHC-MD313  
to turn on the DHC-MD313  
component system.  
The tape deck turns on automatically.  
• Using the timer function on the DHC-MD313, you  
can record radio programmes at a preset time. For  
details, refer to “Timer recording radio  
programmes” in the DHC-MD313 component  
system Instruction Manual. When you set the  
timer recording, DOLBY NR and DIRECTION  
mode must be set on the tape deck.  
Insert a blank tape.  
With the side you want  
to record on facing up  
To sa ve a t a p e p e rm a n e n t ly  
To prevent a tape from being accidentally recorded  
over, break off the cassette tab from side A or B as  
Pre ca u t io n s  
On o p e ra t in g vo lt a g e  
(Exce p t fo r Eu ro p e a n co u n t rie s m o d e l)  
Before operating the tape deck, check that the  
operating voltage of your tape deck is identical with  
the voltage of your local power supply.  
Detector slots  
On sa fe t y  
Tab of side B  
Tab of side A  
• The unit is not disconnected from the AC power  
source (mains) as long as it is connected to the  
wall outlet (mains), even if the unit itself has been  
turned off.  
Side A  
• Unplug the tape deck from the wall outlet (mains)  
if it is not to be used for an extended period of  
time. To disconnect the cord (mains lead), pull it  
out by the plug. Never pull the cord itself.  
• Should any solid object or liquid fall into the  
component, unplug the tape deck and have it  
checked by qualified personnel before operating it  
any further.  
Break off the  
cassette tab  
of side A  
If you later want to reuse the tape for recording,  
cover the broken tab with adhesive tape. However,  
be careful not to cover the detector slots which allow  
the tape player to automatically detect the type of  
• The AC power cord (mains lead) must be changed  
only at a qualified service shop.  
On p la ce m e n t  
• Place the tape deck in a location with adequate  
ventilation to prevent heat build-up in the tape  
• Do not place the unit in an inclined position.  
• Do not place the unit in locations where it is:  
— Extremely hot or cold  
— Dusty or dirty  
— Very humid  
— Subject to vibration  
— Subject to direct sunlight  
Be fo re p la cin g a ca sse t t e in t h e  
t a p e d e ck  
Detector slots  
Take up any slack in the tape. Otherwise, the tape  
may get entangled in the parts of the tape deck and  
become damaged.  
Wh e n u sin g a t a p e lo n g e r t h a n 90  
m in u t e s  
The tape is very elastic. Do not change the tape  
operations such as play, stop, and fast-winding  
frequently. The tape may get entangled in the tape  
Cle a n in g t h e t a p e h e a d s  
Clean the tape heads after every 10 hours of use.  
When the tape heads become dirty  
— the sound is distorted  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
— there is a decrease in sound level  
— the sound drops out  
— the tape does not erase completely  
— the tape does not record.  
Be sure to clean the tape heads before you start an  
important recording or after playing an old tape.  
Use a separately sold dry-type or wet-type cleaning  
cassette. For details, refer to the instructions of the  
cleaning cassette.  
If you run into any problem using this tape  
deck, use the following checklist.  
First, check that the mains lead is connected  
firmly and the speakers are connected  
correctly and firmly.  
Should any problem persist, consult your  
nearest Sony dealer.  
De m a g n e t isin g t h e t a p e h e a d s  
The operation buttons on the tape deck do  
not w ork.  
• Press any of the operation buttons after ∏  
stops flashing. (The buttons on the tape  
deck do not work for about two seconds  
after the tape deck turns on.)  
Demagnetise the tape heads and the metal parts  
that has contact with the tape after every 20 to 30  
hours of use with a separately sold demagnetising  
cassette. For details, refer to the instructions of the  
demagnetising cassette.  
No cassette is inserted. Insert a cassette.  
Cle a n in g t h e ca b in e t  
The tape does not play or record.  
• There is slack in the tape. Take up any  
slack in the tape.  
Use a soft cloth slightly moistened with mild  
detergent solution.  
Never use strong solvents, such as thinner or  
benzene, since they may damage the finish.  
• The heads are dirty. Clean them.  
• Make sure the audio connecting cords are  
connected correctly (see page 5).  
If you have any questions or problems concerning  
your tape deck, please consult your nearest Sony  
The tape does not record.  
No cassette is inserted.  
• The tab has been removed from the  
cassette. Cover the broken tab with  
adhesive tape (see page 10).  
• The tape has wound to the end.  
The tape does not record or play, or there  
is a decrease in sound level.  
• The heads are dirty. Clean them.  
• The record/ playback heads are  
magnetised. Demagnetise them.  
The tape does not erase completely.  
• The record/ playback heads are  
magnetised. Demagnetise them.  
There is excessive w ow or flutter, or the  
sound drops out.  
• The capstans in the tape deck are dirty.  
Clean them using a cleaning cassette.  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g (co n t in u e d )  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
Noise increases or the high frequencies  
are erased.  
• The record/ playback heads are  
magnetised. Demagnetise them (see  
page 11).  
Recording system  
Frequency response  
4-track 2-channel stereo  
50 – 14,000 Hz ( ±3 dB),  
using Sony TYPE I  
50 – 15,000 Hz ( ±3 dB),  
using Sony TYPE II  
±0.13% W. Peak (IEC)  
0.07% W. RMS (NAB)  
±0.2% W. Peak (DIN)  
TAPE IN (phono jacks):  
impedance 47 kilohms  
TAPE OUT (phono jacks):  
voltage 550 mV  
• Move the tape deck away from the TV or  
The sound is distorted.  
• Set DOLBY NR to the same setting in  
which the tape was recorded.  
• Move the tape deck away from the TV or  
Wow and flutter  
There is no sound.  
impedance 47 kilohms  
• The mains lead is disconnected from the  
• Make sure the audio connecting cords  
are connected correctly (see page 5).  
Ge n e ra l  
Power requirements  
North American model: 110 V AC, 50/ 60 Hz  
European countries model:  
220 – 230 V AC, 50/ 60 Hz  
110 – 120 V or 220 – 240 V  
AC, 50/ 60 Hz  
Adjustable with the  
voltage selector  
12 W  
The remote supplied w ith the DHC-MD313  
does not function.  
• Press FUNCTION on the DHC-MD313 to  
switch the FUNCTION to “TAPE.”  
• Make sure the AU BUS connecting cord  
is connected correctly (see page 4).  
Other models:  
Power consumption  
Approx. 215 × 60 × 230  
mm (w/ h/ d)  
incl. projecting parts and  
Approx. 2.5 kg  
Audio connecting cords  
Automatic Source Selection or One Touch  
Play does not w ork.  
• Make sure the AU BUS connecting cord  
is connected correctly (see page 4).  
Supplied accessories:  
The functions tied w ith the  
DHC-MD313, such as CD Synchro  
Recording, do not w ork.  
Design and specifications are subject to change  
without notice.  
• Make sure the AU BUS connecting cord  
is connected correctly (see page 4).  
The inserted tape w ill not eject.  
• The POWER of the tape deck is OFF.  
Press POWER to turn on the tape deck,  
then press §.  
The cassette indicator flashes.  
• Press POWER to turn off the tape deck,  
then press POWER again to turn on the  
tape deck.  
Sony Corporation Printed in China  

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